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Definition of when
(Entry 1 of 4)
1 : at what time when will you return
2a : at or during which time
b : and then
3 : at a former and usually less prosperous time brag fondly of having known him when— Vance Packard
conjunctionDefinition of when (Entry 2 of 4)
1a : at or during the time that : while went fishing when he was a boy
b : just at the moment that stop writing when the bell rings
c : at any or every time that when he listens to music, he falls asleep
2 : in the event that : if a contestant is disqualified when he disobeys the rules
3a : considering that why use water at all when you can drown in it— Stuart Chase
b : in spite of the fact that : although quit politics when I might have had a great career in it
4 : the time or occasion at or in which tomorrow is when we must decide humor is when you laugh— Earl Rovit
pronounDefinition of when (Entry 3 of 4)
: what or which time life-long homes for those … who have lived here since when— Kim Waller
nounDefinition of when (Entry 4 of 4)
: the time in which something is done or comes about troubled his head very little about the hows and whens of life— Laurence Sterne
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The first known use of when was before the 12th century
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